Friday, April 18, 2014

Finding Her Way Back by Heather Van Fleet ~ Cover Reveal

Title: Finding Her Way Back Author: Heather Van Fleet Genre: New Adult Reveal Host: Lady Amber's Tours
Meet Callie, a chubby-sexy nineteen year old girl who fears high heels, commitments, and has a love/hate relationship with her running shoes. 
Nine months of college down the drain all all she has to show for it is her freshman thirty. But alas, life has other crap plans for her--one that includes a strict regiment of do this do that for her she-devil sister, all while trying to avoid the unavoidable. 
The unavoidable being Ky: the ex best friend, turned sex god who lives across the street from her house. Meet Ky; a nineteen year old country music singer, minus the lyrics, and a boy turned man who still wears a proverbial skateboard around his neck from wasted high school days. 
But then Callie returns home, and that's when he realizes that she's exactly the muse he's been missing all along. Now, if only she can stop running long enough to find out that he too is all she'll ever need again.
Heather Van Fleet currently reside in northern Illinois, with her three little ladies, and fabulous hubby, and high school sweetheart, Chris. She’s a stay at home mom by day, and an avid and completely obsessive writer and reader by night.
She’s always had a soft spot in her heart for books, and has been creating her own little stories since the age of seven. But she never really had the confidence or the time to actually sit down and really do something about it until her youngest daughter Isabella was born just two years ago. Bella, as well as her older sisters Kelsey and Emma, are and always will be her greatest inspirations.
Links: Twitter   Website   Goodreads   Facebook 
Callie's excerpt: 
I stiffened, taking in his words, trying to wrap my head around them. I’d had sex before—a ton of times, with Brad. But as I stared down at Ky, I began to realize something. For six months, I’d lived in a world of missionary positions. This on top shit? Yeah, I had no idea how it worked.
Ky's one liner:
“I’m going to touch you now, Calla Lily. And then tomorrow I’ll hold your hand.”

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