Title: The Crimson Series Box Set
Author: Amos Caddidy
Genre: Dark Urban Fantasy
Hosted by: Lady Amber's Tours
Book Description:
For a limited time only, all three books in the Crimson Series are collected together in this box set.
A Dark Urban Fantasy saga, filled with supernatural intrigue. There are twists, turns and characters that will make your legs go weak...

They have been writing together for five years, having written three books in 'The Crimson Series', and their latest novel - the first book in a brand new series - 'The Rain: Rebirth', which is out now.
Buy Links (for the box set):
Amazon US: http://www.amazon.com/Crimson-Series-Box-Amos-Cassidy-ebook/dp/B00KAYZRF4/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1400754639&sr=8-4&keywords=amos+cassidy
Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Crimson-Series-Box-Amos-Cassidy-ebook/dp/B00KAYZRF4/ref=sr_1_1?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1400754684&sr=1-1&keywords=crimson+series+box+set
Author Links:
Website: http://amoscassidy.com/
Crimson Series Blog: http://crimsonseries.wordpress.com/
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Amos-Cassidy-World/172592816124684
Twitter: https://twitter.com/amoscassidy
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5762034.Amos_Cassidy
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/amoscassidy/
EXCERPT (from Crimson Midnight):
Rose stood in the bedroom doorway, shoulder propped against the doorframe, thumbs tucked into the pockets of her low-rise Levis. She cocked her head, watching Greg’s backside moving back and forth like an overactive piston.
Had it always been that hairy?
She cleared her throat. “I guess you’re busy,” she said, “maybe I should pop back later.”
The piston halted and Greg practically threw himself off his bed partner as if she were an unwanted hot potato. “Fuck! Rose! Fuck!”
“Yeah, I can see that,” Rose said.
“What are you…I mean, when did you-”
“Get here?” she glanced casually at her wristwatch. “About five minutes ago.”
She noticed him surreptitiously pull the bedspread up to cover his crotch. “What are you doing here?” he asked.
“I thought I’d surprise you.” She pushed herself off the doorframe sauntering into the room. “I guess I succeeded.”
A petite five foot four, with the elfin doe-eyed features of a Manga sketch topped with long golden hair, Rose didn’t look like a threat. In fact, she was pretty certain that she would have been cast as the lead in any production of ‘Legally Blonde’ on looks alone, but the tussled brunette, frozen on the bed, saw something in Rose’s sapphire gaze that galvanised her into action. She shot off the bed making a grab for a pair of lacy red underwear on the floor.
“Sit!” Rose said.
The brunette froze, her fingers mere inches from the lacy garment that would cover her Brazilian-waxed bits. Yeah, Rose wished she’d missed that bit.
Rose smiled, but it didn’t reach her eyes. “Please don’t leave on my account. This won’t take more than a minute.” She strode casually to the bedside cabinet on the brunette’s side of the bed, and felt her shrink away. Ignoring her she began to rummage inside.
Greg pulled on his boxers. “What are you doing?”
“Getting my stuff.” She pulled out a couple of paperbacks, her overnight cosmetics bag and her hardback copy of ‘The Kama Sutra’. It felt tacky and sticky. Rose cracked it open and frowned. “You got spunk stains on my book.” She threw the book onto the bed wiping her hands on her jeans. She shoved the rest of her stuff into her backpack, which lay on the floor by the bedside table. Swinging the pack onto her shoulder she headed for the door. She felt Greg behind her, his breath hot on the nape of her neck.
“What, so that’s it? You’re just gonna leave?” He made a grab for her shoulder and she shrugged him off.
“Threesomes are really not my thing,” she said and carried on down the hallway. She needed to get out of here quick before…
“This is all your fault you know!”
She paused, hand on the banister. Now this she had to hear. She turned to face him.
He had his arms crossed across his broad chest, tanned and speckled with dark hair. She had loved lying on that chest. Her eyes travelled up to settle on his face. He wore his favourite expression– smug. “Enlighten me.”
He shrugged, “If you’d put out more often this would never have happened. A man has needs you know, and you’re always busy-”
And then he was on the floor clutching his nose. Rose blinked staring at her fist, feeling the anger, which had erupted so suddenly, dissipate. The roaring in her ears subsided and she heard Greg whimper.
“Wha…Wha ya do tha fa?”
Some questions don’t deserve a response.
Rose turned on her heel and walked away
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